Technology is a huge part of how businesses operate in the modern era. As a hotelier, you likely have a website and social media presence that guests can browse. You may also send out emails to connect with customers. No matter how you use the internet, there's a lot to watch out for in the way of scams.
Read moreEfficient hotel pricing helps you increase profitability and grow your hotel business. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to pricing the rooms. You can pick multiple strategies that have proved to be effective and use them in a combination to increase your revenue. Read on to know more.
Read moreAs a hotelier, it's your job to stay on top of trends that bring in and excite guests. While many brands turn to costly upgrades or expansions, others seek to set themselves apart through design. With various furniture pieces, you can make your property unique — a place where guests come back again and again.
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