Managing Energy Costs in Full-Service Hotels
Guests prefer full-service hotels because the extra amenities make their stay luxurious. They love the pampering that comes with turn-down services and airport transportation, but management teams know that their expanded amenities roster requires using more electricity. This guide explains everything hoteliers and managers need to know about managing energy costs in full-service hotels to save money without compromising high-quality customer services.
- Dim Lights During Daylight Hours
- Use Cold Water for Laundry Services
- Research Commercial Energy Offers
- Upgrade Outdated Kitchen Equipment
- Update Housekeeping Energy Procedures
Hallway and conference room lights may stay on throughout the day because staff members leave them on during the night. Whenever possible, turn them off or dim the switches during daylight hours. If there are plenty of windows that let in natural lighting, guests won’t need the extra use of fluorescent bulbs. Dimming lighting by just 30% will significantly reduce monthly electricity bills and expand budgeting capabilities for other amenities.
Laundry services are an excellent way to elevate a guest’s experience, but they also require additional energy usage. Water heaters work overtime to produce enough hot water for every laundry load. Switch to a hygienic detergent to kill viruses and bacteria without the use of hot temperatures and you’ll cut every load’s energy in half by reducing how often the water heater relies on electricity.
Many people think that you only have one option when it comes to energy companies. There are actually numerous companies that provide energy to commercial businesses, so research and compare their offers to find better rates.
Some may offer flexible pricing plans that allow you to choose your monthly payments and improve your hotel budget. You could also pick a company that supports the environment with carbon offsetting donations. Compare your options and you’ll minimize your monthly bill.
Older kitchen appliances may help team members prepare the complimentary breakfast buffet and room service orders, but they’re not great for the environment. New models will utilize energy-efficient features like fans and burners to create the same dishes without a significant carbon footprint. They’ll use less energy and potentially last longer because they have the latest designs.
When housekeepers finish cleaning a vacant room, they can turn off lights before they leave. It’s something that doesn’t always happen because it’s easy to forget. Add the energy-saving tip to housekeeping procedures so everyone pitches in to reduce electricity usage.
They can also begin using low-energy lightbulbs when they need to replace bulbs in lamps or lighting fixtures around the property. Every effort reduces the property’s energy dependency and makes it a better place for guests and the planet.
Manage Energy Costs in Full-Service Hotels
Hotels offer many amenities and house numerous guests at any time, so electricity is necessary to keep everyone comfortable. Managing energy costs in full-service hotels may seem complicated, but quick tricks make a significant difference. Turning off lights, finding better rates and updating appliances are just a few ways to minimize costs and improve the property’s environmental footprint.
About the Author: Cora's passion is to inspire others to live a happy, healthful, and mindful life through her words on Revivalist – wholeheartedly convincing them that everyday moments are worth celebrating. Cora has spent 5+ years writing for numerous lifestyle sites - hence her sincere love for both life and the beauty of style in all things. Keep up with Cora on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.